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Our Team

Concord Robotics has been competing for the last 12 years. Us students are dedicated to designing and building competitive robots. We are committed to understanding and following the engineering design process. 

Christopher Simmons// Coach/Mentor

It's always fascinated Mr. Simmons how things work and how they come together. He enjoys the process of taking things apart, studying their components, and figuring out how they fit together to create something that functions. Technology and engineering have provided him with an endless source of wonder and inspiration. This is what led him to be curious enough to teach the CHS robotics team after observing the class a bit the year before as well as having some previous experience with 1 year in FRC 2 years in FTC he decided to become the coach for the team teaching and leading the students towards great opportunities.

Maddox Hutchinson // Code team captain

Maddox has been doing robotics since kindergarten starting out with modeling with Lego bricks and going through, FLL FTC and now FRC as a 10th grader. He also mentors The FTC and at times the FLL team and this year they were lucky enough to have our FTC team advance to states.

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Slade Hellard // Programmer

Slade has been doing robotics for the past 4-5 years and loves programming because it allows him to create and bring ideas to life. He says it's amazing to see lines of code turn into functional software that can solve complex problems. Working with robots and being part of a robotics team has been incredibly rewarding to him. It's a chance to work with like-minded individuals who share a passion for technology and innovation.

Dakota Hamilton // Design Team Member

This is Dakotas' first year in robotics and is eager and excited to learn and work on the design team for the CHS robotics team. Though she mostly works on the design process she is ready to help out with almost anything to learn and gain new important skills to further her curiosity in robotics.

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Brayden Grindall // Chassis Team Captian

As the Leader of the Chassis team and a secondary member of the Cut team for our high school robotics team, Braden has developed a strong foundation in building and design. They take pride in working with our team to create innovative solutions that can withstand the rigors of competition. Their proficiency in building and design has allowed them to make valuable contributions to our team's success.

Lucy Otto//Marketing Team Member

Lucy has been doing robotics since kindergarten and it has been a great journey so far. She finds immense joy in building and coding robots, and she is constantly striving to improve her skills in these areas. As she transitions from middle school to high school, she realizes that the material is different, and there is still so much more to learn. She is excited to take on this challenge and further develop her coding and building skills. In addition to her technical skills, she also works on the marketing team for our robotics team. She is always happy to contribute in any way possible, be it designing posters, creating social media posts, or brainstorming ideas to promote our team.

Full Metal Jackets #5205

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